You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

217 lines
20 KiB

# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
## [1.4.0]( (2022-09-15)
### Features
* implement custom page title setting ([c35a017](, closes [#21](
* implement IBAN validation ([73b9024](, closes [#6](
* implement letter print type ([f8d0b9e](
* uppercase zip and iban input labels ([ab73b21](
### Bug Fixes
* dont apply margin-bottom to prose br ([00cdbd8](
* properly clear textarea values after file load ([decfdf8](
* set proper swiss qr version as expected by the guidelines ([5548b47](, closes [#23](
## [1.3.0]( (2022-07-28)
### Features
* add support for screens with min-width 1024px ([d04ad55](
* change Select input-group size from small to normal ([12c9ffb](
* collapse overlay on small devices ([994e5d8](
* convert Select input-group to label ([72943cc](
* disable word wrapping for invoice position prices and quantity ([4673ba8](
* implement addressLayout setting and optimize address layouts for print ([24e82ac](, closes [#14](
* implement like button ([6c80163](, closes [#18](
* implement logo delete button ([2ffdc40](
* improve WelcomeModal table of contents layout ([d294c10](
* make unsupported devices warning more obvious ([b54bb7c](
* move corporate design section to design accordion item ([c932825](
* play trailer video in WelcomeModal ([23b3412](
* preview fullWidthInvoice setting closer to reality ([0b55a50](
* reduce top margin for WelcomeModal footer on small devices ([d99c0d6](
* reset lastSaved time after document load ([f4dd2cd](
### Bug Fixes
* check for proper error message to silent common typer-js resume bug ([be3d188](
* in print preview show same page margin independent of fullWidthInvoice ([39a72b6](
## [1.2.0]( (2022-07-13)
### Features
* implement custom NumberInput component ([cf2a1c4](
* replace gray with slate bg color for form labels ([6b89e28](, closes [#3](
* support decimals in position quantity input ([a935e6f](, closes [#12](
* support non-numeric characters in line2 street field ([0bb8423](, closes [#8](
## [1.1.0]( (2022-07-07)
### Features
* implement error handling for QrCode generation ([9578454](, closes [#4](
* set maxlength 50 for iban input ([d20a449](, closes [#5](
### [1.0.1]( (2022-07-04)
### Bug Fixes
* correct typo in label for useCustomAddress input ([82b9ae5](
## [1.0.0]( (2022-07-01)
### Features
* version systemd service example ([70e324a](
## [0.4.0]( (2022-06-30)
### Features
* add CHF suffix to discount price input ([33a856d](
* add donation link to WelcomeModal ([eef1631](
* add info about further development to WelcomeModal ([37020b0](
* add installation guide to WelcomeModal and README ([2ee0672](
* add Kohei Asai twitter link in WelcomeModal ([3680d86](
* add link to changelog on version text in WelcomeModal ([e056551](
* add micro guide about markdown in WelcomeModal ([6e023cd](
* add privacy info to WelcomeModal faq ([bd52b8b](
* add quantity row to AgileCalculator and improve the layout ([05c563c](
* add social crawler image ([27b819a](
* add thankgiving for Kohei Asai in WelcomeModal ([1a9f75f](
* cleanup external links in WelcomeModal ([bc3c67f](
* implement agile help section in WelcomeModal faq ([9ae72e2](
* implemented AgileCalculator component ([9c5a8fd](
* improve info about further development in WelcomeModal ([9c56487](
* improve installation guide formatting in WelcomeModal ([928ee68](
* move Katja mention in WelcomeModal thanksgivings to the top ([14f7d2b](
* rework number input handlers and add proper step props ([32635cf](
* use decimal period instead of comma character in number inputs ([0a599cf](
* use git src link for MIT license in WelcomeModal ([9d314e5](
* write patron section in WelcomeModal ([e43be21](
* write the why-free section in WelcomeModal ([5de43a9](
### Bug Fixes
* avoid division by zero in AgileCalculator ([309a975](
## [0.3.0]( (2022-06-28)
### Features
* add custom npmignore file not excluding dist ([18500e3](
* add postbump lifecycle to include proper version in rappli dist ([6e3ca35](
## [0.2.0]( (2022-06-28)
### Features
* ignore in prettier reformatting ([e02f5d0](
* use custom ignore file instead of gitignore for prettier ([df1565c](
### Bug Fixes
* use proper cwd in rappli binary ([6065c1e](
## 0.1.0 (2022-06-28)
### Features
* add desktop requirement info to WelcomeModal ([314f7e5](
* add donate button to WelcomeModal, finalize headings and faq questions ([1685186](
* add externalLink and getDomain utilities ([0fc1dbc](
* add hyphenate to markdown elements ([7af52a8](
* add introduction text to WelcomeModal ([bcf6455](
* add shadow to social buttons ([849f9e0](
* add shadows to overlay footer buttons ([987eb49](
* add social meta tags ([c641409](
* add support for HtmlElement props in Collapsible and Accordion components ([e088e13](
* add title to agileHoursPerStoryPoint input ([378d4df](
* add title to defaultPositionType dropdown ([f5334d5](
* add title to social share section in WelcomeModal ([228f15b](
* add tsconfig.json ([ef004b7](
* add welcoming text to WelcomeModal ([eabb559](
* add word wrapping to non responsive tables ([20d0a36](
* enable lufrai watermark by default ([f7f7bae](
* further improve the title of the agileRiskFactor range input ([0369fd3](
* hide modal during print ([50fc25b](
* hide unavailable ui elements on small devices ([19ae8f3](
* implement Accordion component ([50b736e](
* implement address component and models ([c669e7f](
* implement alignCenter option for Accordion component ([9f43bd7](
* implement autoAnimate directive ([11a8bd2](
* implement basic js utilities ([3abc6a2](
* implement bin script ([ea2e994](
* implement client filesystem utilities ([8bf1f7f](
* implement Collapsible component ([7946060](
* implement form components ([f1e73d4](
* implement form validation hook ([e11c844](
* implement index route ([c0c298d](
* implement invoice Positions component ([b7b26b0](
* implement last saved duration indicator ([c6314c6](
* implement localstorage helper ([b23337f](
* implement Markdown component ([10fff0f](
* implement Modal component ([ef4eaa4](
* implement onClickFocus helper ([fe8cf85](
* implement Page component ([452cd3b](
* implement Positions settings component ([eb11cda](
* implement qrcode component ([b181999](
* implement reactive stores and store models ([69e624b](
* implement settings Overlay component ([d5eff60](
* implement sortable directive ([0095b11](
* implement swiss invoice component ([74739a2](
* implement swiss qrcode component ([60638bc](
* implement vite config ([f699519](
* implement WelcomeModal component ([0c0ef7f](
* improve accessibility of donation button in WelcomeModal ([0364a5e](
* improve footer button design in WelcomeModal ([0e22772](
* improve Modal responsiveness ([3bddc55](
* improve title of agileHoursPerStoryPoint input ([076010d](
* improve title of agileRiskFactor range input ([70d8518](
* improve WelcomeModal accessibility ([dcc4510](
* make heading structure seo friendly ([9408e4d](
* remove about link from 404 page ([c32a2da](
* remove development positions from default state ([6f0d269](
* remove hyphenate from swissinvoice ([16f7afc](
* remove ts errors of typer-js, autosize, qrcode and sortablejs ([c09b0ec](
* rework solidjs community thanksgiving ([4ef9373](
* setup tailwind, postcss and custom css utilities ([b713164](
* show app version and build date in WelcomeModal ([58ff9f2](
* show project number in document title ([a24875c](
* switch from break-all to break-words ([c56adb6](
* use as vite host ip ([26a854a](
* use default table word wrapping in file load modal ([abdb581](
* use same bottom margin for conclusion and lufrai watermark ([b14d6b0](
### Bug Fixes
* avoid wrong pagebreak inside of qr invoice in chrome printing ([2537b33](
* disable daisyui dark theme ([c1e8502](
* enable sortablejs forceFallback for better chrome support ([d5482f3](
* hide 0 positions length boolean in document title ([46a08fc](
* hide bottom border of first sum and vat columns in chrome ([40e7527](
* remove max-height during print ([83050c6](
* set a fixed 1 line-height for the lufrai watermark for printing in chrome ([2536e32](
* suppress typer-js resume error messages ([01ed30a](