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33 lines
758 B

module.exports = {
content: ["./src/**/*.{html,js,jsx,ts,tsx}"],
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
"lufrai-primary-darker": "#003c36",
"lufrai-primary": "#2c837a",
"lufrai-primary-light": "#59a59d",
"swiss-red": "#FF0000", // the old one: "#E11A27"
screens: {
sm: "640px",
// => @media (min-width: 640px) { ... }
md: "768px",
// => @media (min-width: 768px) { ... }
lg: "1024px",
// => @media (min-width: 1024px) { ... }
xl: "1280px",
// => @media (min-width: 1280px) { ... }
xxl: "1680px",
plugins: [require("@tailwindcss/typography"), require("daisyui")],
daisyui: {
darkTheme: "light",